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Important Update

Hello, thank you for visiting our website. We are excited to announce that we are becoming the newly formed Southwest Comprehensive Center (Region 9). In addition to serving Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, we will also be serving Oklahoma and New Mexico. The current content of this website reflects resources from the 2019-2024 Region 14 Comprehensive Center, managed by Westat under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The new 2024-2029 Region 14 Comprehensive Center serves the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE).

Stay tuned for a Southwestern makeover as we transition to the Southwest Comprehensive Center (Region 9).

Project: Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR)

Formative assessment is the process of collecting data to assess student learning and adjust instruction accordingly. This practice helps teachers understand their students’ learning strengths and needs, and supports students in the development of a stronger understanding of their own academic abilities.

In 2020, the Texas Education Agency created the Texas Formative Assessment Resource, an online tool for Texas district and school staff to create, share, administer, and analyze formative assessment resources. The Southwest Comprehensive Center (formerly the Region 14 Comprehensive Center 2019-2024) supports TEA with data collection on current TFAR use to inform continuous improvement of assessment resources.


The Need

In 2019, the Texas legislature passed House Bill 3906, which required a redesign of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test and development of an integrated formative assessment pilot to be administered multiple times throughout the school year, allowing students to demonstrate mastery of education standards. This pilot provides teachers with timely feedback data, such as Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) performance levels, and encourages the use of formative assessment practices.

To support district and school use of formative assessment practices, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) developed the Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR), a free resource that enables district and school staff to develop and administer assessment tools. TEA promotes TFAR as a tool for formative assessment initiatives and offers resources and professional learning to increase TFAR engagement and use. To ensure that TFAR is useful and responsive to the needs of Texas educators, TEA is examining agency efforts to encourage and support use, looking for ways to strengthen it and make it more accessible and effective for Texas districts and schools.


The Approach

The Southwest Comprehensive Center (Southwest CC), including members from our partner organization WestEd, collaborated with TEA to design and conduct research to gain insights on TFAR use. This effort included developing and administering an online survey of district- and school-level TFAR users to learn how they implement TFAR practices and understand how implementation differs across districts.

For more insights into TFAR use, the Southwest CC team facilitated two rounds of focus groups with district- and school-level TFAR users to gain detailed information on how the tool is employed at the classroom, campus, and district levels, and what successes and challenges users have encountered. Survey and focus group questions were tailored to reflect various levels of TFAR use (e.g., district curriculum director use, educator use) and collect insights that TEA could use to adjust the agency’s TFAR support materials.

This collaboration has led to an increased understanding of how Texas school districts approach formative assessment and how TFAR fits into these approaches while emphasizing the importance of data-driven improvements. 


Advancing Forward

The Southwest CC team will deliver a summative report and work with TEA to identify concrete ways to use data to inform TFAR resources, including the possibility of developing online professional development opportunities. Southwest CC and TEA have started planning discussions about how to highlight TFAR use successes as well as suggestions for addressing use challenges when developing new resources. 

Disclaimer: This content was developed during the 2019-2024 cohort of the Comprehensive Centers Program as the Region 14 Comprehensive Center (now the Southwest Comprehensive Center 2024-2029). We are proud to continue service in our region as the Southwest Comprehensive Center, supporting educational outcomes in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.